American Expatriate Costa Rica

Chinchilla and Rodríguez are personae non gratae in Venezuela

Today we declare the following individuals as personae non gratae: Andrés Pastrana (former president of Colombia), Laura Chinchilla (former president of Costa Rica) and Miguel Ángel Rodríguez (former president of Costa Rica).”

With that message, Venezuelan Chancellor, Samuel Moncada, announced his government’s contempt with those former heads of state.

All of them, along with former Mexican President Vicente Fox, participated as international observers in the symbolic consultation convened by the opposition alliance on President Nicolas Maduro’s call to reform the political constitution.

Moncada, added in another tweet, that these politicians will not be able to visit that South American country anymore.

They abused the generosity of our people. It is justice that will be understood by those who love their country,”

said Moncada.

About 7.2 million Venezuelans voted in a symbolic plebiscite against President Nicolás Maduro and his Constituent Assembly, but the great challenge of the opposition will now be how to capitalize on that electoral volume to achieve a change of government.

98% of voters rejected the Constituent Assembly.