On Wednesday afternoon, the National Wage Council (CNS) approved an increase of ¢2.53% for private sector workers, which means that for every ¢100 thousand, working people should receive ¢2,530 more.
In addition, the CNS also approved an additional salary increase for domestic servers of 2.339%; in other words, for every ₡ 100 thousand they will receive ₡ 2,339.62 more.
I am extremely pleased that the National Wage Council, in an exercise in social dialogue, has unanimously approved our proposal that sought to recognize the components of the calculation formula, both the cost of living and the growth of the gross domestic product,”
said Geannina Dinarte Romero, Minister of Labor, after the meeting.
Even the head of Labor indicated that an approach was made to recognize an additional item for domestic workers with the objective of closing the historical gap with this sector.
The approved amount will become effective on January 1st, 2020, will be valid for one year and its application will be mandatory for all minimum wages established by the decree on this subject.
According to MTSS, the private sector represents 80% of the workers in the country.
Employers are only required to make the increase if they pay the minimum wage, those who are above the established amount may not make the increase,”
they added.