American Expatriate Costa Rica

Coastguard rescued two people at sea in Guanacaste

Officers of the National Coast Guard Service rescued a Costa Rican who was caught by the tide. The event happened on Tuesday on six-meter high cliff located in Ocotal del Coco in the district of Sardinal, Guanacaste.

Apparently, Cristopher Zúñiga Blanco, 22 years old, was surprised by the tide when it suddenly rose, so he had to take refuge in a cliff wall. From there and with the possibility of falling into the water, he asked for help. Some people who walked by the place saw him and warned the Coast Guard.

Two of the officers jumped into the water, swam to the cliff and climbed the wall to help the young man. He was given a life jacket and helped down from where he was. Additionally, he got medical attention for the injuries on his legs and knees and was brought to Coast Guard station in Flamingo, then transferred to the hospital for a medical assessment.

Minutes later, the Coast Guard assisted a Canadian citizen in an apparent state of intoxication. The foreigner stayed aboard a boat and went on a private tour near Flamingo, when he was rescued. The Coast Guard transported him to the police station and then took him to the medical center.