American Expatriate Costa Rica

Congress condemns police attacks on civilians in Nicaragua

On Wednesday, the Congress condemned the police and military attacks of Daniel Ortega’s government against its citizens in Nicaragua.

A total of 36 lesgislators approved a motion in that regard. The legislators Ottón Solís, Marvin Atencio and Marco Vinicio Redondo, from the Citizen Action Party (PAC), as well as Ligia Fallas, from Frente Amplio, voted against it.

For this Legislative Assembly to issue its strongest condemnation for the attacks made by Nicaraguan police and military against citizens, students and journalists that have resulted in numerous deaths, as well as the systematic repression of civil liberties and the violation of human rights caused by the government of President Daniel Ortega Saavedra,”

indicates the text.

In the document, the legislators also extend Costa Rica’s solidarity to the Nicaraguan people and declare that this country will remain vigilant for the defense of human rights, public liberties and the restoration of public order in Nicaragua.

The recent acts of violence in Nicaragua left more than 30 dead.