American Expatriate Costa Rica

Contest to teach how to dispose of waste

“Tan fácil como” (as easy as…), is the name of an animation contest looking for talented people to create stories and give life to characters, which contribute to raise awareness about the correct disposal of waste.

Those interested in participating should give voice to the waste in an original animated video of maximum 1 minute and share it on Facebook, labeling “Tan fácil como” and using hashtags # TanFácilComo, #LaVozDelosResiduos.

Participants will have until June 17th to share their work through this social network.

A jury will assess all shared videos and select the best 10 animations to display on the official site.

The winner of the contest will receive a GoPro Hero Session camera in recognition of their creativity.

This initiative is part of a public-private partnership between the Ministry of Health and several companies.