The Corcovado National Park, located south of Puntarenas, is the site with the highest number of species of animals and plants per square kilometer in Costa Rica. According to National Geographic magazine, it is the most “intense” point of the planet in terms of biodioversity, with 2.5% of the variety recorded.
It is also the referent when talking about the extraction of gold, due to its history and for the persistent struggles between gold miners and the government authorities.
Its natural, historical and cultural value makes it one of the most recognized national parks in Costa Rica, and now it has a new face that allows tourists to live a completely new adventure.
Since the beginning of this year, the Association of Integral Development (ADI) Corcovado has offered lodging, food and souvenir shops in the Sirena Station, in order to create businesses that benefit the residents of the surrounding communities.
Since 1975, when the national park was founded, tourists – both domestic and foreign – had to contrive to spend the night with mattresses, sheets or makeshift tents in the middle of the dense forest. This caused that the visits were fleeting and that much of the tourist attraction was lost.
However, this reality changed. Two important donations allowed the National Conservation System (SINAC) and the ADI to build and furnish a Hostel for 70 people, a kitchen and a dining room.
The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) donated more than $2 million, while the National Bank, through its social responsibility program,donated 20 million colones as seed capital, so that the organization furnished its new sections.
Since then, Corcovado is not only a place to enjoy natural wealth. Now, it also ensures a comfortable and pleasant lodging.
On January 15th, 2017 the ADI got the permits to offer lodging, food and souvenir services.
The money raised is used for the benefit of the park and the residents of the surrounding communities, including Carate, Drake Bay and Puerto Jiménez.
It is estimated that one person invests $100 per night on the park.
If you would like to plan your trip (lodging, transportation and food), call 2735-55525 or email reservations@parquecorcovado.org. You can also communicate via Facebook.