American Expatriate Costa Rica

Costa Rica has 284 thousand hectares of wetlands

Costa Rica has a total of 284,635 hectares of wetland ecosystems. This data recompilation was possible thanks to the registry made by the National Inventory of Wetlands (INH) prepared by the Wetlands Project of the National System of Conservation Areas (Sinac), which ended in May 2018.

To carry out this inventory, 146 specialists of the institution were needed, who in 2015 started with the field phase and data processing in the 10 continental Conservation Areas of Sinac.

Among the main findings of the inventory is that 83.5% of the classified area are swamp wetlands: swamps, wetlands of organic soils, and wooded freshwater wetlands.

In addition, it was possible to identify that 10.6% are brackish estuarine wetlands such as estuaries, marshes, mangroves, and areas flooded with salt water and 5.8% are lake-type wetlands (lakes and lagoons).

After receiving the document, Sinac will continue with its review and final validation.