American Expatriate Costa Rica

Costa Rica has the slowest internet speed in Latin America

Two studies that followed different methodologies came to a similar conclusion: the speed of mobile Internet in Costa Rica is slow compared to other less-developed nations.

The Superintendency of Telecommunications (SUTEL) and English company Open Signal said it again: despite the good coverage there is in the country, the speeds are not the best, which affect and create disadvantages to users.

Open Signal placed Costa Rica with an average speed of 2.55 Mbps (the lowest in Latin America). Meanwhile, According to the Superintendency, the slowest 3G network has a speed of 1.2 Mbps and the fastest network reaches 3.6 Mbps.

Glenn Fallas, SUTEL quality manager, enumerated the elements that affect the lag: the need for more infrastructure (towers) to serve the increasing demand, difficulty and excessive paperwork to develop infrastructure and the need for more spectrums for operators to have more carrier signals and capacity.