American Expatriate Costa Rica

Costa Rica promotes plan to prosecute Nicolás Maduro

On Monday, Costa Rica supported a resolution that establishes a series of measures to identify or designate persons and entities of the Nicolás Maduro regime involved in illegal activities, such as money laundering, drug trafficking, terrorism and its financing, corruption and serious human rights violations.

At a meeting of the foreign ministers in New York, the country signed an agreement adopted between the States Parties to the Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance (TIAR, by its acronym in Spanish,) as a Consultative Body.

The Ministers resolved to instruct the countries’ financial intelligence units, prepare a consolidated list of people linked to the Nicolás Maduro regime, and create an operational network for their investigation, through the strengthening of judicial and police cooperation.

The resolution had 16 approvals, one against, one abstention, and one absent. The Consultative Body also instructed the permanent representatives of the participating States to follow up on the situation in Venezuela, and its impact on the region, to evaluate possible recommendations within the framework of the TIAR. These recommendations would be analyzed during the next Chancellors meeting, within a period of two months.

Costa Rica supported the resolution because it is framed within institutional and democratic measures, which do not imply the use of armed force.

It is the strength of the democratic institutions of Costa Rica that today summons us to support institutional measures, in response to the rule of law, that allow us, as a community of states, to combat the waves of crime, corruption, suffering and serious violations of the human rights that have as an epicenter the regime of Nicolás Maduro,”

said Foreign Minister Manuel Ventura.