American Expatriate Costa Rica

Costa Rican employers face difficulties to hire

35% of Costa Rican employers have trouble finding qualified candidates.

This data comes from the 2016 Talent Shortage Survey by Manpower Group, which also notes that the talent shortage is the most severe since 2007.

Of the more than 42,000 surveyed employers, 40% are experiencing difficulties in filling roles within organizations.

However, Ana Gabriela Chaverrí, manager of Manpower Group Costa Rica, explained that when compared with 2015 the numbers are more favorable.

The woman noted that employers have implemented strategies to mitigate such shortages, for example:

Adapt alternative recruitment strategies.
Provide additional development and training for existing staff.
Offer additional benefits.
Apply non-traditional sources of recruitment.
Subcontracting of personnel.
Improve salary proposals.

According to Manpower, 28% of employers argue they struggle to find experienced, specialized workers.

Chaverrí stressed that Costa Rican employers then choose not to take into account the experience, but the specialization of the candidates.

Second language skills is still a difficult matter, not only for English but also Portuguese and French.