American Expatriate Costa Rica

Costa Ricans paid ¢3 million to go through the “most dangerous” border in the world

Evading controls in one of the “most dangerous” borders in the world was the goal of several Costa Ricans who wanted to enter the United States from Mexican territory.

At least two nationals were transferred to Mexico with the coordination of two suspects of migrant smuggling, who were arrested on November 23rd in Pérez Zeledón.

The International Organization of Migration (IOM) reported last August that in the first seven months of this year 232 people died on the US-Mexico border. 17% more than last year.

The suspects charged between $ 3,500 and $ 6,000 (1.9 and 3.3 million colones) for helping migrants get their passports and travel to US territory.

First, they arrived in remote areas of the Mexican capital, such as Cancun, where other groups contacted by the suspects would be responsible for taking them to the US border.

Apparently, the accused sent two men from the South Zone, who were arrested on October 15th, 2016 at the Cancun airport and deported to Costa Rica.