American Expatriate Costa Rica

Country has the best survival rate to cervical cancer

Costa Rica is the country with the highest survival rate after the detection of cervical cancer. According to the report of the American Cancer Society, 78% of women survive in the country, followed by South Korea with 77%, China with 68%, and Canada, Estonia, Israel and Italy with 67%.

The authorities of the Costa Rican Social Security Fund (CCSS) indicated that early detection of the disease, thanks to pap smears and other medical tests, is the key to this success in the health of the female population.

The national goal is that no woman dies from this cancer, because if each of them goes to the health centers every two years to have a pap test, there is enough time to treat the disease and survive.

The pap smear, available in all Ebais and hospitals in the country, identifies changes that could become dysplasia or precancerous lesions. According to INEC data, 87% of women under 65 recognize the benefit of having this test.

It should be remembered that the Human Papillomavirus vaccine is also applied in 10 year old girls.