American Expatriate Costa Rica

Court confirms legality of strike in the Judicial Power

The Labor Court of Appeals of the Second Judicial Circuit of San José reaffirmed the legality of the strike in the Judiciary.

This decision was confirmed at noon on Tuesday by different unions of the institution, such as the Trade Union Front of the Judiciary, the National Association of Investigators in Criminalistics (ANIC), the Union of the Judiciary (Sindijud) and the Trade Union of Judicial Workers (Sitrajud).

It is worth remembering that on November 9th, the Labor Court of the Second Judicial Circuit declared the legality of the movement developed by judicial employees in different parts of the country.

The court took into consideration the large number of employees who joined the strike, the lack of violence, and that essential services were never stopped.

According to the ruling, the legal movement promoted by the following unions was declared legal: Trade Union of Professionals and Technicians in Accounting, Finance and Allied of the Judicial Branch (Asprotecofi), National Association of Judicial Employees (Anejud), ANIC, Sindijud and Sitrajud.