American Expatriate Costa Rica

Cyclists will peacefully demonstrate on February 5th

On January 29th, 3 cyclists were hit by a car and died at the place. In addition, a fourth person remains hospitalized at Calderón Guardia Hospital.

The unfortunate event happened in front of Walmart supermarket in Curridabat and it affected everyone.

That’s way, cyclists from various groups organized a Ride to honor the victims. It will be held on February 5th at 9:00 am in La Sabana.

According to Samael Ruiz, one of the organizers, they hope that by doing that, they will attract everyone’s attention to let them know that they are united, because even when they don’t know each other, they are partners.

In addition, he mentioned that a victim’s relative already contacted them to let them know that he would be part of the activity, along with the victim’s family.

To Roberto Guzmán, Director of Chepecletas, the news were terrible, a very hard situation where the people who suffered the accident carried all the necessary safety equipment: They went in a group, they were using the respective security elements, and they were riding on a street allowed for cyclists.

Guzmán added that they expect the presence of a large number of cyclists to demonstrate in a positive way:

Personally, I didn’t know the victims, but we felt identified. This accident could have happened to anybody, since they had the right to move through the highway.