American Expatriate Costa Rica

Evening surgeries in Alajuela Hospital

The long waiting list for surgery is one of the biggest problems San Rafael de Alajuela Hospital still faces. For this reason, they are performing evening surgeries again to provide health care to 27 patients more per week.

When we work at night, things are resolved and this must be done with sustainable programs, and not with palliative measures,”

said Francisco Pérez, medical director.

Since June, 20th, the hospital prepared 2 operating rooms to perform peripheral vascular, ophthalmological, and general surgeries after 4:00 p.m.

According to Pérez, the program was extended one more day this week and now they will operate from Monday through Thursday.

The doctor added that he would prepare the 8 operating rooms available for surgeries every afternoon, but this would require more specialized medical and nursing staff; and so far, the hospital has been working with its own resources, paying about ¢ 72,000 for nursing personnel in operating rooms and recovery.