American Expatriate Costa Rica

Every 22 hours a child is killed in Honduras

Every 22 hours a child is killed in Honduras, one of the most violent countries in the world, according to the international child protection organization Visión Mundial.

Almost 320 children die violently in the country every year, or one every 22 hours,”

notes the report distributed during the launch of a campaign to prevent violence against Honduran youth.

Government authorities and representatives of non-governmental and international organizations participated in the meeting.

The campaign was launched simultaneously in 14 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean and aims to fight the violence that affects one billion children and adolescents around the world each year.

The representative of World Vision for Honduras, Jorge Galeano, explained that the campaign will be aimed at making efforts in the family to try to make the country safer for children.

A survey of the organization revealed that nine out of ten Hondurans believe that the home and church are places where children are less exposed to risks of violence, while public spaces are the most unsafe places.

The report of World Vision detailed that in the American continent, one of every five homicides is committed against a child.

Honduras recorded a homicide rate of nearly 60 per every 100,000 in 2016, far from the World Health Organization (WHO) average of 6.7 per 100,000.