American Expatriate Costa Rica

Fire in El Porvenir substation

The public was quick and ready to record and take pictures of the fire that affected a substation in El Provenir de Desamparados.

The fire affected the facilities of the ICE power plant on Wednesday night and the Fire Department only reports material damage. There were no people injured by the flames or smoke, although they did cause neighbors of the place to have nervous breakdowns.

The flames began when a transformer exploded inside the power plant and, although some sectors of the Central Valley ran out of electricity, 12 ICE and CNFL crews reestablished the service.

According to data from the Fire Department, a tower collapsed in the place and the emergency was handled by 11 units between rescue teams, extinguishers, ambulances, fire investigation teams and tankers of Central stations, Barrio Luján, Barrio Mexico, Desamparados, Pavas and Tibás.

The flames could be seen from all the Central Valley, due to their magnitude. Initially, it was reported through social networks a series of lights in the sky, that later turned out to be the flames of this fire.