On Monday, the First Section of the Contentious Administrative Court of the Second Judicial Circuit of San José declared without place “in all its extremes” the lawsuit filed by Pro-Zoological Foundation (Fundazoo) that administers the Simón Bolívar Zoological Park against the Costa Rican State.
The animal that died on February 17th, 2017, returned to the public eye after Fundazoo requested the payment of ¢ 137 million , after the reported losses in income from the movement of the animal. In addition, they asked for money for image damage and compensation to employees.
Through this process, it is intended to demonstrate that there is a causal relation between state actions and the low general visit to the Simón Bolívar Zoo,”
said the lawsuit filed by the Fundazoo since October 26th, 2017.
However, Jjudges Claudia Bolaños Salazar, Amy Miranda Alvarado, and Rodolfo Marenco Ortiz unanimously rejected the claims, and even the Foundation is ordered to pay the costs, as well as the payment of interest.
In addition, the judges make a direct call to the Foundation that, according to them, for many years failed to fulfill its contractual obligations regarding the enclosure that it had to build and enable for the welfare of Kivú and Karima in Santa Ana.