American Expatriate Costa Rica

Four Costa Rican Superheroes will protect the environment

On Saturday, the Super Heroes of the Costa Rica Foundation (FSHCR) were presented at the Zooave. These four characters were inspired by Costa Rican animals, such as the green frog, scarlet macaw, sloth bear, and turtle, aiming to encourage children to care for the environment.

According to Luis Fernández, president of FSHCR, the superheroes toys and stuffed animals can be purchased in airport stores and major toy stores and bookstores in the country from Sunday on.

The superheroes we offer are Iron Parrot, air guardian; Slotherine, who protects forests from poachers; Thortle, keeper of the sea, and The Incredible Frog, river protector.

Part of the commercialization of these products, will go to schools with limited resources to carry out activities so students are encouraged to protect the environment,”

said Fernández.