American Expatriate Costa Rica

Frente Amplio proposes more support for ecotourism and community rural tourism

José María Villalta, from Frente Amplio (FA), presented a bill that seeks more state support and simplification of procedures for organizations that carry out community rural tourism and micro and small businesses that conduct ecotourism.

The initiative proposes a set of reforms to the Law for the Promotion of Community Rural Tourism and the Organic Law of the Costa Rican Tourism Institute (ICT) to be recognized as tourist activities and receive more support and promotion from the State, due to its potential to boost the erradication of poverty and the sustainable development of rural and coastal communities.

The ICT has resources for the promotion of ecotourism and rural community tourism. Unfortunately, various obstacles and bureaucratic requirements make it difficult for small businesses to access these resources when they are the ones who need them most,”

said the legislator.

Some of the proposals included in the project are:

-Reforms to facilitate access to the tourist declaration for micro and small ecotourism companies and community rural tourism organizations.
-Forcing the ICT to promote rural community tourism.
-Flexibility of the requirements for the development of community rural tourism inns.

-Expanding options for the development of thematic tourism activities of rural community tourism and ecotourism.
-Promoting small-scale fishing tourism as a productive alternative for coastal communities.
-Incorporating the vision of small ecotourism companies and community rural tourism organizations in the ICT Board of Directors.
-Promoting the sustainable tourism development of the communities near the protected wild areas.