American Expatriate Costa Rica

Gang paid MINAE officials to grow marijuana

Two officials from the Ministry of Environment and Energy (MINAE) were hired by a drug-trafficking family to grow marijuana at La Amistad National Park.

According to the investigation, both officials had a long time working in the ministry. Their last names are Beita, (34 years old) and Morales (48 years old).

The gang provided the supplies needed for them to look after the plantations. Some of them were located in the area known as Pittier.

They had nothing to do with the family, but they were an important part of the group,

informed the police.

In the raids, that took place on Monday in Pérez Zeledón and Buenos Aires of Puntarenas, 7 people were captured, including 5 siblings surnamed Vargas, who seem to be the leaders.

The investigation began about 8 months ago, but according to Walter Espinoza, director of the OIJ, this band has operated since 2011.