American Expatriate Costa Rica

Gang sent drugs from Costa Rica to Spain in coffee packages

A criminal organization recruited people to transport drugs to Europe through suitcases, but they were arrested in operations carried out by the Deputy Prosecutor’s Office against Drug Trafficking and Related Offenses.

As a result of this operation, three people were arrested in operations that took place in Los Guido de Desamparados, La Trinidad de Moravia, and San Antonio de Desamparados. One of the suspects is the presumed leader of the Cascante Barquero group and two of his collaborators: Rodríguez Quesada, and González Salazar.

The agents, with the helps of the National Police of Spain, found marijuana, cocaine, machines to weigh drugs and materials to pack the narcotics. The investigation determined that the drug was sent to Spain inside coffee packages.

This group is linked to the failed shipment of seven kilos of cocaine, detected on October 10th last year at the Juan Santamaría International Airport, when a subject named Alvarado Rojas was surprised by agents of the PCD, who verified that he transported the drug in coffee packages inside his luggage.

Similarly, the group is linked to the arrest of a man named Palavicini Villalobos, 30, who was arrested at the same airport for attempting to move six kilos of cocaine hidden in coffee packages inside his luggage in a trip to Spain.