American Expatriate Costa Rica

Government wants to promote sustainable fishing, while Assembly brings back trawl method

The government wants to create sustainable alternatives for fishing in the country, despite the approval of the project that aims to bring trawling back.

The President of the Republic, Carlos Alvarado, explained that for him it is essential to carry out the negotiation process with the World Bank, because if it finances the necessary studies, the government could generate sustainable fishing opportunities and promote the transformation of the sector.

Before an eventual scenario of the second legislative vote of the trawling project, the president simply said he would wait for the magistrates’ response after the consultation presented by 18 legislators. The consultation was signed by congressmen of the PAC and the National Integration (PIN), National Liberation (PLN) and the Frente Amplio (FA) parties.

Legislators allege that the initiative – approved in the first reading on November 28th- lacks sufficient technical and scientific studies to justify the rehabilitation of trawling, suspended by the Constitutional Chamber in 2013.