American Expatriate Costa Rica

Hacienda explains how it would charge VAT to Netflix, Spotify and more

As of Monday, the new draft of the Value Added Tax regulation is available for popular consultation, where the Treasury revealed how the tax would be charged to platforms such as Netflix, Spotify or Airbnb, under the concept of Cross-Border Digital Platforms.

The tax of 13% must be collected by the application from the user and then presented to the Treasury upon presentation of the tax declaration.

Two ways of payment are then contemplated by means of the credit card with which the service is canceled or through the provider directly.

Payments will be made electronically.

The bank transfer must be made no later than the fifteenth calendar day of the month following the one mentioned in the declaration, and the payment will be considered made when the payment is made available in the bank account of the Ministry of Finance,”

indicates the published resolution this Monday in La Gaceta.

Citizens have 10 days to send their opinions to the Treasury on the subject.