Nicolás Velásquez’ goal is to show Costa Rica’s exuberant nature. He is a Costa Rican whose hobbie is to make videos on different sites of the country, which definitely captivate people.
This time, it was Poás volcano the one that dazzled through shots made by Velásquez and some independent contributions. Now, the final result is a complete video on the beauties of this National Park.
People have to see it, not only in Costa Rica but worldwide: I want to show how beautiful and pretty our country is,
declared Velásquez.
The video was published in MeEncantaCostaRica.com, online directory of the country, also created by Velásquez.
As he explained, the production took about 2 hours in terms of recording and from 6 to 8 hours in terms of editing.
You can see the video here.