American Expatriate Costa Rica

ICE must deliver information on broadband to legislator

The Constitutional Chamber agreed with the Christian Socialist legislator Pedro Muñoz, on a complaint he established against ICE, as the legislator asked on May 13th the status of progress of the project that will allow early connectivity with Broadband in different areas of the province of Guanacaste.

To date, ICE has not responded to Muñoz.

The Chamber declares the appeal and orders Irene María Cañas Díaz, in her capacity as Executive Presiden,t and Jaime Palermo Quesada, in his capacity as Corporate Director of Telecommunications, both from the Costa Rican Institute of Electricity (ICE), or those who hold the positions in their places, to give the necessary orders, in order to provide a complete response to the management presented by the appellant,”

indicates the document sent by Room IV.

For this they will have eight business days after the said direction.