American Expatriate Costa Rica

INAMU requested the BCR to remove a sexist advertisement

Director of the National Institute of Women (INAMU) Alejandra Mora asked the Bank of Costa Rica (BCR), to immediately remove an advertisement launched on December 8th, because, according to the institution, it promotes sexism.

In the commercial, there is a woman chasing the father of her child to make him pay the alimony. The man tries to flee but she eventually catches him.

The father manages to pay her thanks to a new, BCR program called “Tucán”.

The alimony is an obligation and it cannot be mocked, and it can’t be used as a social satire because it is a situation that thousands of women face every day,

declared Mora.

According to the Minister for the Status of Women, the images used in the commercial are based on stereotypes that disadvantage women.

This commercial is grounded in stereotypes, women are always wearing pink clothes and they are always portraited as malicious people before a victimized man, which leads to the national discussion on the issue of alimony,

added Mora.