American Expatriate Costa Rica

Industries applaud measure to simplify procedures

The Chamber of Industries of Costa Rica (ICRC) welcomed the government’s decision not to create new procedures and will reduce requirements to obtain permits, licenses or authorizations for businesses by 2022.

While it is important not to add new procedures, it is equally important to remove or simplify many of those that already exist, that is an urgent task. We also hope that the exclusion of the moratorium from those procedures that have to do with issues such as Health and Environment, does not go in the opposite direction to the spirit of the guideline. It must be proven that these exceptional cases are necessary and do not threaten employment,”

said Enrique Egloff, president of the ICRC.

In the competitiveness survey conducted by the Chamber of Industries of Costa Rica recently, 70% of large industrial companies and 63% of small and medium-sized enterprises mentioned “Procedures and permits” as highly critical and negative.

Additionally, 67% of small and medium-sized industrial companies mentioned “Competition of informal companies” also as negative.

The government also mentioned the reduction of the National Catalog of Procedures as it passed 1,609 registered procedures, which were reduced to 1,232 as the main effect of the guideline.