American Expatriate Costa Rica

Japanese delighted with coffee from Los Santos

The Japanese love coffee from Costa Rica, to the point of paying $65.30 per pound of the grain in the 2019 Cup of Excellence electronic auction.

The coffee comes from Santa María de Dota, in the area of ​​Los Santos, on the farms of Los Grandes de Copey group, and was acquired by Maruyama Coffee Co., which will disburse a total of $28,073, some ¢16 million at the current exchange rate. That company placed 429.91 pounds.

Pérez Zeledón grain also convinced the buyers participating in the auction. The price of this product reached $ 40.10 per pound from the farm Vista al Chirripó.

The Cup of Excellence auction is recognized as one of the main coffee sales programs worldwide. It is not only the price reached by production, but also the positioning achieved by participating producers in international markets.

This year, the twelfth edition of the auction was held to reward the best specialized coffee in the world.