The Regulatory Authority for Public Services (ARESEP) is considering a request by the Administrative Board of the Municipal Electric Service Cartago (JASEC) to raise prices for their services of electricity generation and distribution.
As a result, a hearing will be held on August 23rd to hear opinions from Cartago’s neighbors.
JASEC requested an adjustment of 28.5% for the rates of the power generation system, arguing they need to face a “considerable reduction in power generation, as a consequence of a reduction of rainfall in late 2015 that has affected 2016’ summer.”
They also asked for an adjustment in the distribution system, as explained in the following image:

The hearing will be public and will be held at 5:30 p.m. in the gymnasium of Colegio San Luis Gonzaga from Vieja Metrópoli.
Anyone interested in participating may prepare their argument, which must meet all the formality of the law, and have an attached identity card, signed document and technical criteria to support the argument.
The deadline to present it is until August 23rd. The document can be sent to ARESEP offices, during regular business hours, via fax at 2215-6002 or via email at