American Expatriate Costa Rica

Landslide changes the color of Lake Irazú

Many are the factors that modify the appearance of the Irazú volcano lake, in Cartago. It even depends on the rains and that is why at some times of the year it may even disappear, as explained by the Volcanological and Seismological Observatory of Costa Rica (OVSICORI).

Recently, the lake went from being almost a mirror to more “cloudy” colors and a blue-greenish tone. This is demonstrated by photographs published by the Ovsicori and a video by the organization Volcanes sin Fronteras (VSF).

Last Thursday, on May 2nd, a landslide occurred inside the crater of the volcano and the material fell into the water, which changed the color of the lake, because there was a tsunami in it.

The tone also depends on the depth and on its hydrothermal activity, with fluids that rise and affect the water.