American Expatriate Costa Rica

Ligia Fallas: “In Venezuela there are no political prisoners, there are terrorists imprisoned”

Once again, Frente Amplio (FA) legislator Ligia Fallas stated strong positions on the political and social crisis in Venezuela.

Fallas said through a series of publications in her Twitter account that in that country there are no political prisoners, but terrorist imprisoned.

The comments were a response to an interview conducted by RTN Channel 13 News to Venezuelan opposition leader Lester Toledo, who is part of Voluntad Popular, a legislator of the State of Zulia and one of the strongest voices against the government of Nicolás Maduro.

Toledo, akin to opposition leader Leopoldo López, visits Costa Rica to participate in forums and expose the reality of his country.

Last year, the government issued an arrest warrant against him for an alleged terrorist financing offense. For this reason, in recent months he has lived in exile in Spain and the United States with a view to returning to Venezuela soon.

Fallas pointed out that Toledo is a fugitive from the law and questioned harshly his interventions.

This is not the first time that Fallas’s positions on Venezuela have caught people’s attention. Last April, Delcy Rodríguez, Venezuelan Foreign Affairs Minister, thanked the legislator for supporting Nicolás Maduro’s regime and for criticizing Costa Rica’s position on the violation of human rights in the South American country.

The positions of the Frenteamplista have not been overlooked and have even caused criticism from legislators from other parties.