American Expatriate Costa Rica

Little girl with Guillain Barré might have had zika

A three-year-old girl has been in rehab therapy for two weeks, after she showed symptomps of Guillain Barré syndrome in mid-October.

Immediately, the health authorities tried to determine if the zika virus would be related to her condition, without being confirmed.

Guillain Barré is a severe syndrome that occurs when the body’s defense system attacks part of the nervous system and it can occur after an infection, such as zika.

In a matter of a few hours the victim loses all mobility. It begins in the lower limbs and goes up, until it affects the breathing and the heart.

It is likely that the girl had the virus, as there are people who do not show symptoms. The girl is a neighbor of Santa Cruz, which is positioned as the fifth canton with more cases of zika in the country, with 87 patients, so far this year.

Zika is transmitted by infected mosquitoes and affects more than 1400 people in the country.