American Expatriate Costa Rica

Margay was run over and left to die on the side of the road in San Carlos

A vehicle hit an adult margay (Leopardus pardalis) on Thursday morning in San Carlos and the driver left it lying on the side of the road.

José Quirós, regional coordinator of Wildlife of the National System of Conservation Areas (SINAC) reported that they received the alert at 8:30 a.m. on Thursday, indicating that the animal was still alive. However, when he arrived, it no longer had vital signs.

The accident was occurred between the factory Ticofrut and Villa Maria de San Carlos, an area where this actions are quite common, so the authorities call for precaution.

Wildlife abuses throughout the conservation area are quite common. There is a protection zone with a forest area of approximately 25 hectares, which is privately owned, very close to where this happened,”

said Quirós.