American Expatriate Costa Rica

Mayor tried to ban religious activities in Palmares park

Hugo Rodríguez, mayor of Palmares, banned religious events in the central park of the canton. However, two days later he had to backtrack and suspend the order.

The Municipality has amde the decision not to authorize religious events of any kind in the Simón Ruiz Park facilities,”

stated Rodríguez in a document sent to Palmares’ presbyter José Daniel Vargas on April 20th.

The reasons for the prohibition are not stated in the document, however Rodríguez explained he had made this decision because of “traditions”, because that was the way it had been done before.

On the other hand, the priest Vargas told the press that it took them by surprise because a ban like this had never occurred.

Both the municipal hierarchy and the presbyter indicated that the Municipal Council was not aware of this decision. The mayor mentioned that the permits for the activities are dispatched directly from the City Hall.