The legislator of the Costa Rican Renewal Party Gonzalo Ramírez is the new president of the Legislative Assembly.
In addition to his public function, Ramírez is an evangelical pastor and lawyer. His wife, Paula Vargas, is the deputy mayor of San José.
Ramírez obtained 33 votes, beating the 24 votes obtained by Ottón Solís, legislator from the Citizen Action Party (PAC).
Below you will find nine phrases that summarize the new president’s position on some topics:
I’m sorry, but a full and happy home is one with mom and dad. That’s a home, that’s a complete and happy home.”
At the moment Costa Rica has transcendental issues, much more important than those (prolife issues)… We are trying to achieve legal security for all businessmen and internationally.”
Ladies and gentlemen, what limitations should in vitro fertilization have? How far are we willing to change the type of society we have? Do we want to have a surrogate market? Do we want to hit the constitutional family?”
With this new text, we eliminate the possibility of abortion due to rape, depression or some other emotional condition, and we close the doors to international and national trends, who have tried to devalue the lives of the unborn.”
There are groups trying to eliminate all reference to God from States and countries. There is a trend by which Christians are killed, separated from their families, expelled from the country, limited by their individual freedoms and rights.”
We Christians believe that we have much to contribute to the country and the city of San José and we are very interested in articulating the social issue.”
The churches in the central canton (San José) are doing an extraordinary job with regard to social work and we believe we can articulate with the local government.”
The commercialization and distribution of gas by RECOPE would not exclude from the market the companies that are currently engaged in this business, nor would it prevent the introduction of others that want to enter.”
Costa Rica urgently needs a comprehensive strategy on children.”