American Expatriate Costa Rica

MEP works to reopen all schools

On Tuesday morning, Sonia Marta Mora, Minister of Education, explained that today and tomorrow they will have to vacate schools operating as shelters for the homeless in different communities.

The President has called for us to recover the educational centers we were using as shelters. It’s not about people being left homeless, but there are educational centers where there are few people,”

explained Mora.

The Minister said the hierarch of Health and the President of the National Emergency Commission (CNE), Ivan Brenes, are working to help local authorities with the process.

The idea is that between today and tomorrow the educational facilities are restored so that teachers can return to work,”

said the Minister.

The woman added that they had a meeting with rectors of public universities to carry out an infrastructure recovery plan. They have the support of professionals and advanced students of the Schools of Engineering and Architecture to assess the damage, quantify repairs and determine if there uninhabitable schools.

The MEP hopes that in the next few days the facilities will be vacated and lessons will be resumed.

In addition, all the shelters were visited by medical staff to control diarrhea outbreaks.

I’ll use this opportunity to address the fact that we keep getting volunteers to distribute food in shelters, but this is a situation that must be controlled by health authorities,”

said Maria Esther Anchía, vice minister of Health, who asked for help to the security forces to prevent this from recurring.