American Expatriate Costa Rica

More than 17 thousand students did not return to school after vacations

Economic problems, low family school enrolment, and lack of motivation are the main reasons for empty desks after the mid-year school break.

But this year, the dropout went down by 0.2%. In 2015, 20,173 students left the schools. This year, however, the figure reached 17,832.

They are boys and girls who instead of leaving the school remain in it. And they are going to have greater chances of employment and a better future, “

said Minister of Education Sonia Marta Mora.

The Ministry of Education implemented this year a new program called, “Yo me apunto”, which seeks to reduce the dropout rates.

The most significant drop was recorded in the Regional Directorate of Cañas where the dropout rate changed from 6.3% to 2.9%.

At Nuevo Limón high school the dropout rate was 3.6% last year. But this year all the students returned to classes. The same situation was experienced in the Indian high school of Boca Cohen.

The Minister added that the open school cafeteria programs that continue throughout the school break and the child care service in 44 of the 52 night schools were part of the effort to keep young people in the classrooms.