American Expatriate Costa Rica

Mosquitoes’ eggs infected with Zika are not easy to kill, so take actions now!

According to Rodrigo Marín, vectors expert of the Ministry of Health, the eggs of mosquitoes that transmit Zika may contain the virus, and the risk increases since they are difficult to eliminate, despite frequent exterminations.

Last Tuesday we found a lot of breeding sites in Atenas. We have visited almost half a million homes and destroyed nearly 2 million breeding sites, but people can do it themselves. Any place where water could be collected has the potential of becoming mosquitoes’ breeding place,”

said Marín.

To ensure a complete removal of the eggs, all containers that should be emptied and scrubbed with a brush, because the insecticides used by the Ministry of Health are effective to kill mosquitoes and larvae, but in many cases the eggs remain unharmed.