American Expatriate Costa Rica

“Narco flight-attendant” will go to prison

A Mexican flight-attendant named Rodríguez was a key piece in the puzzle of an international drug trafficking group.

Last week, Rodríguez, who had no prior records, was sentenced to 10 years in prison by the Criminal Court of Alajuela, after being captured on July 3rd, 2013 carrying $ 160,000 attached to a girdle.

The investigation determined that the woman visited Costa Rica with the money to pay for other subjects’ cocaine transportation to North America.

Since Rodríguez worked for a renowned Mexican airline, she frequently visited Costa Rican territory. Between 2005 and 2013, she entered the country 29 times. However, the woman came in private flights in 8 opportunities.

A Hungarian man named Halasz was also sentenced to 10 years in prison for the same crimes, as well as a Costa Rican man named Otárola, who got 8 years in prison.