National Geographic-Ricardo Rojas
On Monday, the National Geographic Magazine in Spanish shared in its social networks this photograph taken by Don Ricardo Rojas.
It is not the first time that Nat Geo publishes pictures by this guy. On this occasion, the image shows the beauty of the vicinity of Irazú Volcano.
Rojas recalls that he took the picture in February, at around 3:30 a.m., when it was freezing cold.
The man had always been fond of photography, but now he is engaged in this activity.
I have taken courses in private universities and I take it very seriously. I like it a lot, especially nature, wildlife, animals (but never in captivity).”
When asked what is like to see his images shared by a site as prestigious and as demanding as Nat Geo, Rojas replied:
The most beautiful thing is to see the amount of comments from people from other countries and to see that the image is shared by that amount of people that one does not even know. This is the fourth photograph that I publish.”
Rojas took the photo with a Nikkon D7100 camera and a 18.55 mm lens.