American Expatriate Costa Rica

National Police School to open on August 28th

During the graduation of 270 new police officers, Minister of Security, Gustavo Mata, announced that the new National Police School will be inaugurated on August 28th.

This new school, located in the sector of Guácimo, will allow better facilities for new prospects, who will have more amenities for a better preparation.

We do not have to envy the world for a school like the one we are going to inaugurate, because ours is the best,”

said Minister Mata.

The new academy will have up to 29 buildings available to give a great preparation to the new officers and that will increase the number of candidates for the Public Force.

These are extraordinary facilities. In these classrooms a democratic police doctrine will be taught. They will have the possibility to harmonize the knowledge in those classrooms,”

said President Luis Guillermo Solís.

According to the hierarch of Security, by December of this year they hope to have graduated 1,500 new officers, and next year a thousand more are to be added, thanks to the corporation tax, approved this year in the Legislative Assembly.

The objective of the government is to improve security attention in the streets so that the Costa Ricans walk in peace.

They will soon see the change in the security of this country,”

said the minister.