American Expatriate Costa Rica

Nearly 150 kilos of waste were collected during ecological walk in San Rafael

Dozens of residents of San Rafael de Heredia got together this Saturday to play sports and contribute to the reduction of pollution in their canton.

The mayor organized the first ecological walk of his community. From 7:00 a.m., dozens of neighbors gathered in front of the entrance of Monte de la Cruz and undertook the journey of collecting waste that others throw on the streets and trails of the community. They were able to collect two kilos of plastic, one kilo of cans, 17 kilos of glass, and 119 kilos of common garbage; for a total of 138 kilos of waste.

With this activity the Municipality of San Rafael seeks to expand its tourism potential. The San Rafael Turístico project is an initiative of this administration that seeks to reactivate tourism in the canton through promotion and publicity strategies, for the improvement of the commercial, entrepreneurial, and social sector.