American Expatriate Costa Rica

Nearly 25% of the country’s coffee comes from sustainable production

22% of Costa Rican coffee comes from sustainable production and it’s low in greenhouse gas emissions.

Since 2014, the NAMA Café initiative of Costa Rica was implemented in conjunction with the Ministry of Environment and Energy (MINAE), the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAG) and the Coffee Institute of Costa Rica (ICAFE), which seeks to support the sector to reduce gas emissions during coffee production and processing.

In addition, it has allowed Costa Rican producers to be trained in the application of good agricultural practices to adapt their production to changing climatic conditions.

The coffee sector has shown great leadership at national and international level to promote and consolidate a low emission production. The knowledge and lessons learned will be invaluable in replicating the initiative other crops and sectors nationwide,”

said Carlos Manuel Rodríguez, Minister of Environment.

Likewise, through a joint fund of the Governments of Germany and the United Kingdom, support was given to the generation of technical capacities of producers.

This international support will continue to collaborate with the sector through a credit line for investments in environmentally friendly technologies until the end of 2020.