More and more companies are recycling nowadays, but rely on third parties to complete the process.
Now, the novelty is available for any company, after the creation of the first dry recycling system capable of producing new paper quickly and safely.
The Epson PaperLab System was designed to reduce and made the recycling process locally. An 8-hour day is enough to have more than 6,500 sheets, about 14 sheets per minute.
Furthermore, they are considering the possibility of customizing the size, thickness, color and aroma of the paper.
We created this new system that does not waste paper in the office, ensuring savings in cost, time and, in turn, a relief for the environment,”
said Diego Rosero, general manager of Epson Central America.
The PaperLab System works with Dry Fiber technology, which consists of three different procedures: disintegration of fibers, coalescing and formation.
The residue of paper is transformed into long thin cottony fibers. Then, a variety of additives to increase resistance or whiteness, as well as color, fragrance or any other property can be added to the material.