Neither the Executive Power nor President Luis Guillermo Solís gave public support to Ottón Solís to become president of the Legislative Assembly, nor will they negotiate with the fractions.
According to Deputy Minister of the Presidency, Luis Paulino Mora, this is a governmental tactic.
Since Ottón Solís announced his intentions, the president’s statements were clear that they would seek to work within a framework of respect if he won, but did not support him.
The Executive wants to emphasize the agenda more than supporting legislators.
We do not want to commit ourselves to a candidacy that later might not have the majority’s support, thus bringing our agenda into question,”
said Mora, who this week holds the position of minister ai of Presidency, before Sergio Alfaro’s trip to Paris.
This agenda, which aims to prioritize and promote the Government for the new legislative year, focuses on the projects of fiscal rule, modernization of taxes (VAT and rent), as well as public employment.