Policía Nacional de El Salvador
Honduran authorities reported on Sunday that they had captured one of the gang members of the Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13), one of the 100 most wanted criminals in the neighboring country of El Salvador.
On June 4th, José Walberto León García, aka ‘Tatu’ or ‘Slow’, of Salvadoran nationality, was captured in a house in the municipality of Las Delicias, department of Ocotepeque.
Authorities in Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala maintain contingents of police and military personnel on the common border, integrating what they call a trinational force to combat gangs, smuggling, human trafficking, weapon trafficking and other crimes.
The three countries of the so-called Northern Triangle of Central America maintain the highest homicide rates in the world because of the violence generated by gangs, such as MS-13 and Barrio 18, and drug traffickers.