American Expatriate Costa Rica

Orotina will invest ¢600 million to prevent floods

The Municipality of Orotina will invest around ¢600 million in a project whose main objective will be to expand the capacity of the different systems of collection and channeling of rainwater in order to prevent flooding in the public spaces of the urban area.

In a document of the Comptroller’s Office dated April 30th it is indicated that for the municipality it is important to fix and build sidewalks in order to contribute to the mobility of people.

The municipality receives a number of complaints for breach of Law 7600. The company that won the tender was Constructora Montedes SA, for a total amount of ¢ 599,997,655 million.

The Office of the Comptroller General exempted the municipality from a referendum arguing that the public need must be met

as soon as possible to alleviate the problem of complaints and accessibility difficulties for the population, but it also intends to carry out the works, anticipating the difficulties that could even be worsened in rainy seasons.”