American Expatriate Costa Rica

Otto Guevara proposes more investment and jobs

The presidential candidate of the Libertarian Movement, Otto Guevara, presented his government plan on Monday, which he will execute if he wins the presidential elections on February 4th.

Guevara offered more investments, eliminating obstacles, more production and jobs, lowering the cost of living and strengthening citizen security.

In an extensive document, he also committed to the following:
• Fight against corruption and the abuse of power.
• Order in public finances.
• Quality education
• Timely and quality health services.
• Construction of public infrastructure.
• Better facilities for housing.
• Promote and defend free trade.
• Promote free competition.
• More attraction of tourists.
• Control inflation.
• No more taxes.
• Stop increases in public services, especially electricity.
• Reduce public spending.
• Rupture of public monopolies.

Guevara said that in order to solve the country’s problems it is necessary to have a clear diagnosis, know what measures to take and have leadership skills to carry them out.

He also reminded people that the structural reforms he proposes require the approval of the Legislative Assembly and that it will be necessary to build consensus with the other political and social actors.