A group of 240 men from six cantons of Guanacaste are part of a process of raising awareness on issues related to positive masculinity, prevention of violence, and ways to live an affective sexuality, and an affective fatherhood. The workshop is promoted by the Joint Institute of Social Assistance (IMAS).
The participants come from Liberia, Bagaces, La Cruz, Nicoya, Cañas, and Santa Cruz. The process lasts three months, for which ¢16 million were invested, since men are part of the national strategy for poverty reduction, Bridge to Development.
The program is called How to be better men in the family, work and community? It seeks to develop skills for peaceful coexistence in its different environments. The IMAS explained that the workshops are participatory and the beneficiaries carry out practices and talk about their own experiences.
José Pablo Araya, 41, married and with two daughters, said they have talked about the education of their children and how they were educated, as well as their relationship with their partner and sexuality.
Eight groups composed of 30 men were formed. The first four groups participated in the workshop from July to September and in October, 120 additional beneficiaries joined, finishing in November with 21 hours of training each.
The Regional Area of Social Development (ARDS) in Chorotega is in charge of the process, in coordination with the Costa Rican Institute of Masculinity, Couple and Sexuality (WEM).